Housing Data Portal

Housing Data Portal


We created a public website that offers easy access to data about housing in Boise because data transparency leads to better outcomes.

Housing Data Portal

Map from the Housing Data Portal webpage.

The Need

We heard from residents that they didn’t have good data about housing in Boise, and the data that existed was difficult to find and understand. Also, the city receives hundreds of requests each year from residents requesting housing data, which is burdensome for city staff.

The Solution

We designed a website around the housing data needs of our residents by holding focus groups, analyzing housing data requests, and sharing early drafts of the website with dozens of residents to get feedback.

The final Housing Data Portal, published in 2023, includes data on everything from what is getting built where, to data around housing needs and affordability in our community. And we expect to add more data, maps, and dashboards over time.

We believe providing free, high-quality information will enable data-driven community conversations related to housing policy and investments. The Housing Data Portal will result in a better user experience because residents can access data anywhere, anytime without needing to make a public records request and wait several days for a response.

In the Media

New city website show critical need for affordable housing, KTVB
September 20, 2023

Full Article

New City of Boise housing database offers more transparency in area housing, KIVI
September 20, 2023

Full Article

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