
Rechargeable batteries: Household Hazardous Waste.
All types of rechargeable batteries are accepted at any household hazardous waste collection site or facility. This includes lithium ion batteries and any item that contains a rechargeable battery such as mobile phones, tablets, vape pens, solar lights and many kinds of personal electronics. If you can plug it in and recharge it, do not place it in the trash. Take it to a household hazardous waste collection site.

Collection Sites

Button Cell Batteries: Household Hazardous Waste

Button cell batteries of all types are accepted at any Household Hazardous Waste collection site or facility. DO NOT put them in your trash.

Button Cell Batteries

Alkaline Batteries: Trash

Alkaline batteries are not hazardous and can be disposed of in your trash.

Alkaline Batteries

Reduce and Reuse

Consider rechargeable batteries for items to reduce battery waste. When you are done with your rechargeable batteries, take them to a Household Hazardous Waste site.

Conserve battery life by turning off battery-powered devices when not in use or setting devices to "power saving" mode.

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Please note: If you have a question about your bill, please contact Utility Billing Services.