Interpretation + Translation Services

Need Interpretation or Translation Services?

We offer interpretation and translation services to the community for city events, public meetings, printed or online content, and more to ensure accessibility for all.

To request these services, please fill out our online request form, and we will assist you promptly.

Interpretation or Translation Request

Person wearing a black shirt and using sign language with a thumbs up.

On-Demand Interactions

(Walk-in or phone interactions)

City staff are trained on how to acquire on-demand interpretation. Front-facing staff and departments have the "I Speak" cards available for the public to point out and request for language access for individual languages.

We recently implemented PocketTalks, an assistive technology device for on-demand interactions with the community.

Planned Interactions

(In-person appointments, meetings, events, etc.)

You can request to have city documents translated or an interpreter if you need help in another language besides English, including American Sign Language (ASL).

Live interpretation can be provided for planned events and meetings.

Interpretation or Translation Request

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